The Art and Design curriculum is designed to provide pupils with the opportunity to demonstrate imagination and creative flair, together with problem solving, whilst learning the skills and techniques to effectively use a wide range of media. The curriculum covers drawing, painting, printing, ceramics, graphics and photography.
Observational drawing is the foundation of many artistic explorations and pupils will be expected to develop and refine their observational skills through a series of themes, using different methods and approaches. All students will be encouraged to take risks and produce truly personal outcomes.
Pupils are expected to study the work of a wide range of artists and designers from the past to contemporary and demonstrate how their studies have impacted upon their own practices. All students must use high level English skills to annotate their own work using subject specific vocabulary. Written work informs the NEA assessment procedure of intentions and outcomes and is their voice to the examiner.
Students are encouraged to draw from their own experiences of life, combining drawing skills with ideas and feelings, enabling the successful completion of aesthetically interesting final outcomes.
Internal assessment takes place in the form of teachers marking work, written feedback and one to one reviews setting future targets for improvements to portfolios. In addition students produce self and peer assessment with feedback directed to improvements as work progresses.
Students are encouraged to attend a wide variety of enrichment opportunities available within the department including trips and visits to learn outside the classroom. Intervention sessions are also available to consolidate prior learning and to ensure maximum progress is made – allowing all to reach their potential which is at the heart of our delivery model.
In addition students will learn about the multitude of career opportunities that studying Art and Design can lead to including architecture, jewellery making, graphics design, interior design, fashion design, textiles, game and website design, photography, from journalistic to forensics, to name the most popular. To complement this students will have the opportunity to visit places of further and higher education to explore future pathways.
Curriculum Intent Overview
We believe that all students are entitled to a creative experience in the visual arts. Our Art and Design curriculum provides a broad and balanced range of opportunities to work with a wide range of media, to develop new skills, experience new technologies and gain new knowledge. In addition we link all of our learning and practical work to the world we live in, future career pathways and explain how Art and Design plays a vital role in all of our lives. Open ended projects allow students to use their imaginations, express their feelings and problem solve as they work towards quality outcomes. Our curriculum will ensure that all of our students will have the opportunity to:
- Learn about other Artists and Designers from various periods of time and different cultures;
- Explore a wide range of 2D and 3D media from drawing and painting to graphic design, ceramics and textiles, printing and photography;
- Develop analytical skills and be able to express themselves verbally and in written form using subject specific vocabulary;
- Express their own thoughts, feelings and imaginations in creative outcomes;
- Become creative problem solvers;
- Work to design briefs – industry linked;
- Develop their character to learn new skills, to become resilient learners, work independently and have the confidence to speak about and present their ideas and work;
- To develop a sense of pride and create aesthetic outcomes to a high standard.
Pedagogy | Enrichment | Other general principles |
Our pedagogy is supported by: Specialist teaching staff who have a wide range of expertise; Rigorous and systematic sequential teaching of skills and techniques via demonstration;·A wide range of visual support from images to examples of excellence by other students, artists and designers; A range of strategies to support all learners of all ages and abilities; Opportunities to take risks and learn from experiences; Regular constructive feedback in both written and verbal form; Opportunities to express thoughts and feelings in personal responses; Opportunities to develop leadership skills by helping other students. | We will enrich our curriculum by: Encouraging all students to take part in after school clubs and workshops; Leading and supporting workshops with younger students, develop as leaders – share expertise;·Working with artists and designers within the school and the external environment; Arranging visits to colleges and universities to experience the next step and find out about career pathways; Encouraging students to contribute to the life of the school through helping with open evenings and displaying their work; Taking part in local and national competitions; Working with other curriculum areas to obtain synergistic benefits. | Our curriculum will enable students to: Experience success in a practical subject;·Incorporate “British Values” through practical work; Explore other cultures and beliefs through practical work; Have the opportunity to experience success through work being displayed or being used by the department or school; Have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the arts and the importance of it in everyday life; Provide “well-being” opportunities through creative work and the opportunity to express themselves; Nurture a life-long respect and love of the arts which may manifest itself in future career, arts patronage or hobbies and interests. |