Parent/Carer Information and Frequently Asked Questions
This page has been designed to answer some of the questions you may have as a parent regarding transition. If the answer to your question is not covered below then please get in touch.
What events are there leading up to transition to Don Valley Academy? | Students are invited to transition days to experience life at the academy. There is a welcome evening where learners and parents have the opportunity to come into the school to meet with staff and have a look around the school. |
What equipment will my child need? | The basic items of equipment which your child will need are: bag, pencil case, pen, pencil, ruler and rubber. Many learners also choose to bring coloured pens and pencils along with other items of stationery which they feel they may need. |
How is the school uniform organised? | All students at Don Valley Academy must wear uniform. Each student joining the academy in Year 7 in September will be provided with a complimentary uniform. There is no charge to parents/carers for this pack. Click here for information about our uniform During the transition day we measure each student for their uniform. |
What happens on my child’s first day? | All learners will gather in the main school dining room until they are asked to go into the Main Hall for a welcome assembly. Following this, learners go off to their forms for a period of time. This allows them to meet with their peers and collect their timetables. Later during the day, timetables commence and learners will take part in lessons. |
Will my child be in a form with other children who they know? | Wherever possible, and appropriate, your child will be placed with at least one other learner from their primary school. |
What happens if my child is ill when they are at school? | If your child is ill they will be sent to the Medical room where trained first aiders will assess how your child is. If required a member of staff will call home to discuss how your child is feeling with you. |
What do I do if my child is ill and going to be absent from school? | Please contact school as early as you can to leave a message on the absence line. |
How do we pay for school dinners? | Learners will be set up with an account on our cashless system. This uses your child’s fingerprint to load money onto their account and to pay for anything they purchase. Learners who receive Free School Meals will continue to do so. Their account will be pre-loaded with the allocated amount daily. |
Who do I contact if I have any questions or if there are any problems? | You should contact your child’s form tutor in the first instance. The most effective ways of doing this are either by putting a note in your child’s planner or sending an email direct to the relevant teacher who will then respond as soon as they can. For more significant questions or concerns please contact: Mrs McMahon the Year 7 Learning Manager. |
My child has special educational needs. How do I make sure DVA know their needs? | If there are any extra details that you wish to pass on to us about your needs then please contact us using the dedicated email address: SEN@donvalleyacademy.org.uk this will put you directly in touch with the relevant members of staff. |
How can I prepare my child for secondary school? | Moving to secondary school can be a daunting time for both children and their parents. One of the key ways to prepare your child for transition is to develop their independence skills. This includes encouraging them to gather and pack their own equipment ready for school or other activities, managing time and money, looking after their belongings and development of strategies to use if something goes wrong. |